Message from the Principal of NMIET Bhubaneswar

Message from Principal

It is my great pleasure to welcome you to NM Institute of Engineering and Technology [NMIET], Bhubaneswar, an Institution under NM Lok Kalyan Trust. NMIET has a long-standing reputation in providing quality technical & professional education to its disciples. The College has a rich tradition of maintaining high academic standards and attracting the very best students from across the country over the years.

Owing to rapid social and technological changes taking place around us, there is increasing need for quality engineers who can think creatively, apply their intelligence to solve problems and to create new designs and products for the ever changing world. Our aim is to mould highly competent technical professionals with wide range of analytic, strategic and leadership skills capable of facing the challenges of the technical world.

With the above objective in mind, we provide high-end undergraduate education and research opportunities in new frontiers of Engineering and Technology with special focus towards Leadership & Innovation. Students are provided with opportunities for interaction with the experts from the Industry through Special Lectures, Industrial Visits, internships, student chapters of International Professional bodies, sponsored projects etc.

To align with the curricula, we have excellent faculty, state-of- the-art infrastructure and laboratories. Our approach reflects the educational needs of the 21st century. We focus on our students by providing them with a world-class outcome based education and hands-on experience through enhanced R & D, training, and student forum activities etc. The success of our undergraduate, postgraduate programs is supervised by our eminent faculty, who continue to set the standard for excellence. There is continuous check on the implementation of planned academic activities with desired results in grooming our future generation for employment and for higher studies in India and abroad. We believe in continuous development and strive to carry on the best efforts and endeavors towards the benefit of the students. Spacious green campus, good library and peaceful atmosphere ensure that learning becomes a wonderful experience.

We give special care and attention for the students belonging to socially, economically and educationally backward classes so as to make them highly competent technical professionals. In order to prepare the students to successfully face the professional field, several initiatives are periodically undertaken, which include the development of soft skills, communication skills, interpersonal relationship, leadership qualities etc.

NMIET has established a strong Industry links and many companies have engaged themselves in the developmental activities within the college. We’re confident that your time at NMIET will be both enjoyable and rewarding, providing you with knowledge and experience that will prove hugely beneficial in both your future academic and professional careers.

Prof.(Dr.) Niranjan Mishra, Principal

B.E.(Hons.),M.E.(Distn),Ph.D.(Engg.),FIE, LMISTE, MCSI