Message from Chairman

Today, the global economy is poised for a higher growth and only a trained and skilled citizen can cope up with the challenging environment to become successful. Recognizing and managing shifting-paradigms, along with the help of the enormous leap of technology, is the need of the hour.

The educational institutions, especially those imparting technical education, have to take the responsibility of developing and nurturing the world class engineers, technologists and managers.

NMIET’s endeavour is to provide an ethical dimension to professional education. Besides this, the unique pedagogy backed up with meticulously laid state-of-the-art infrastructure brings excellence to learning, teaching, training and placements. Identifying and nurturing the aptitudes and inclination of each and every student and to make them equipped to face the challenges of a technology driven professional career are seriously addressed at NMIET. Let it be my privilege to welcome you to the realm of NM Group of Institutions.

Mrs. Puspalata Panda

Chairman, NM Group of Institutions