NMIET Blogs: Insights & Updates on Engineering Education

What do you see as NM Institute Of Engineering & Technology’s greatest strengths?

NM is a household name in the state of Odisha, which pioneered the movement of pre-entrance coaching back in 1992 from the city of Cuttack. The biggest strength of NMIET is its credibility in terms of performance for the last 3 decades.

Sj. Ramesh Chandra Parida is the Chairman of the NM Institute of Engineering and Technology. He is a committed individual who wants to change the face of higher education in the nation. He has been honored with multiple awards throughout his journey in the education sector.

What are the key factors that keep you connected with the education sector?

“The willpower to better the education system”

I come from a family of teachers. Teaching is the dominant profession in my family so from a very early age, I became well versed with the importance of education. Even with limited means and exposure, I was always keen on pursuing my higher degree from a reputed institution. I took up my first job as a reasoning teacher. From then I strived to make a career that would be dedicated to imparting education and there was no looking back. Education is the key to a fulfilling life; it is only through education real change can be brought into society. Right from the beginning, I have worked towards changing the face of education in the state so that the students do not feel deprived. The passion that drives the change and the job satisfaction that I derive from it are some of the factors that will always keep me connected to this sector.

What is your philosophy of leadership? How would you describe your leadership style?

“Have always followed the collective approach”

I believe a good leader is one who can rally his team around and lead by example. Great things are achieved by a collaborative effort. If each member of the team thinks of themselves as a stakeholder in the common goal, it will motivate them. I try to provide as much support, advice, and guidance as I can to facilitate the process. The team member should be confident enough to take up responsibilities and deliver them diligently. I try to inculcate the same in my team through functional leadership. As a functional leader, I treat my role as a leader as a distributed effort where teamwork reigns supreme.

How do you strategize about the key programs and plans for the marketing and administration of your school?

“Prioritizing the ideas that will prove to be beneficial”

Our decisions regarding the marketing and administration of the college are always well researched and debated before we commit. We bounce many different ideas and speak to the best in business to understand the requirements of the market. We tailor our strategies based on the current climate. For marketing, we have relied on the industry standards and created a brand for ourselves and today our name is recognized all over. From the administration perspective, we focus on creating a platform for our employees which will enable them to thrive.

In your experience, what can an inbound student gain from studying here in your Institute?

“Formulating the teaching methods aligned with the global market requirements”

It is true that the structure is very different in India as compared to most foreign countries. But its not necessarily a negative thing. Our educational system, specifically our college, gives immense importance to the fundamentals. Our teachers make the extra effort, such as encouraging students to ask many questions and testing the students on their intrinsic knowledge of the subject matter. This is done so that the students have a clarity of the basics. Along with this, we encourage our students to think far and wide and expand their horizons in terms of ideas. If they look towards the future then they will be confident to face the global competition. This approach of fundamentals with one eye on the future has helped our college produce brilliant thinkers who have gone on to make impressive contributions, both in India and abroad.

When you first came to NM INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY what was your vision for the Institute? Has it evolved, and how far along in implementing that vision are you?

“To make our students empowered and self-aware”

I am passionate about creating hands-on projects for the society which leads to lessening their burden. NMIET was created with the thought that we will impart knowledge that will help our students become self-sufficient. My vision has always been for the students to realize their potential and use it positively for the betterment of their fellow humans. With a practical and realistic way of teaching, we aim to empower the youth. Our long-term vision has definitely evolved with time but at the heart of it, we aim to promote research and thinking which will benefit our large societal mass and their problems.

What would you like people to know about your Institute they may not know?

“Being environmentally-conscious and socially aware”

NMIET is a place that focuses on the basic strength of each student with a futuristic outlook through the pragmatic methodology. We believe that students should be connected to nature and understand the need to protect the environment. Hence the college boasts of an eco-friendly campus with rainwater harvesting, solar panels, and biogas plant installed within the property. The students are constantly educated on the importance of social responsibility and their role in society. So the college through its dedicated NSS Cell regularly conducts activities like blood donation camps, cleanliness drives, plantation drives, health camps, menstrual hygiene awareness seminars, etc.

What do you see as NM INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY’s greatest strengths?

“The outcome of our collaborative and dedicated efforts”

NM is a household name in the state of Odisha, which pioneered the movement of pre-entrance coaching back in 1992 from the city of Cuttack. The biggest strength of NMIET is its credibility in terms of performance for the last 3 decades. With such a glorious past to our credit, NMIETians always take up a holistic and practical approach to face the world. That we believe is one of our assets.

What are some of the biggest challenges you see, both for higher education in general and for your Institute specifically?

“The prevailing inclination towards theoretical knowledge and lack of jobs opportunities”

Higher Education as a whole is under assault from various factors. The basic challenges of the industry, such as employability after post-graduation, has been an Achilles heel for too long. After four or more years of rigorous studies, students still struggle sometimes to find a decent job. Perseverance is also a challenge that is faced by higher education in general. Many young people today do not have the luxury, or many times, just the inclination to sustain the long amounts of time it takes to graduate. This will, sadly, limit the knowledge the person possesses when they step out into the rigors of the world. For today’s youth, a graduate degree or higher studies, in general, is not seen as a make or break. This attitude has led to a decline in academia in general. As a result, the students are well versed in theoretical knowledge but often lack the basics of the ground reality. Students need to treat higher education much more smartly if we want to use classroom knowledge, out in the real world.

How do you tend to establish a healthy relation and environment in your Institute?

“Creating a sense of belongingness among the students”

With a new problem befalling the world everyday, survival has become tough and challenging. At such times it’s important we create a wholesome environment in the institute. Laying emphasis on teacher-student interaction for matters related to academics or other issues such as mental health, well-being, peer pressure can provide the students with a safe space. It is important that we focus on confidence-building measures so that it helps a student overcome his/ her inhibitions.